Brought to you by: Lt. Hoo Hoo

Okay, in the interest of furthering the worldliness of our patrons, I'm going to do moview reviews from time to time. I would like to suggest that you rent these movies even if I say I can't stand them. Because, as they say "Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one and they ALL stink." You might actually enjoy the movies I despise. BUT, be forewarned, I WILL tell you "I told you so" if you end up hating it anyway. So without further ado, let's get ready to vegetate!
Wings of Honneamise
Manga Video
Director/Screenplay: Hiroyuki Yamaga
NOTES: An epic tale of a civilization's first steps into space, with military leaders conspiring to use the space program to spark an all out war.
RoughNecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles
Adelaide Productions
NOTES:  Our old friends are at it again, chasing those bugs and getting attacked from all sides. This time they are on Pluto.
Director: Alan Johnson
NOTES: A mini-epic tale of a group of slave children that get free to chase down a magic ball of "Hope" then go on to bring Water back to a post Nuclear War Earth.
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